Monday, September 13, 2010


Yo. What's really good everyone. I have started this blog for three reasons, one of which I will get into and the rest I will come up with later and probably forget.

Anyway, I've decided to title this Blog C'MON B! cause on my daily routine in the Apple that feels like my most used expression.

For example. I was on the 2 train the other day on my way to work...I was just chillin, pretending to read the newspaper so that the cute shorty on the right would think that I'm smart until I looked down and realized that the newspaper I was reading was the Village Voice and the I was in the back where they "advertise" know what I'm saying.

Anyway I look up, and the girl I was peepin was actually the same chick "advertising" in the back the Village Voice. I ain't playing.  Anyway, I was deep in thought, ready to approach the young lady and ask for her autograph (already had her phone number) when these three dudes step on the train with sombreros and banjos and start to sing "Feliz Navidad" even though (unless I missed something) it's 98 degrees outside and we're still in the middle of summer.

As these dudes starting playing mad loud music as the train went above ground on Two-Fifth (That's 125th Street for all the Columbia kids that just moved in this week from a bunch of other places that aren't New York and don't matter) I realized that while I enjoy that music while I'm stumbling home drunk at 4AM in Harlem it doesn't have the same affect that early in the morning. I mean...C'MON B! (there it goes.) I respect your hustle but C'MON B! (#2) but why you gotta disrupt my morning flow (pause.)

There you go. My first post.

Feel free to send in your own NYC "C'MON-B" stories and I will be sure to post them as long as they're not as good as mine in which case they will be plagerized into my speech pattern and added with my name on it. Sounds fair to me...I mean...C'MON-B...

My only requirement is that they come from Native New Yorkers, not some Johnny-Come-Lately (no homo) who just moved here from the midwest and lives in Williamsburg and probably started his own t-shirt line that Justin Bieiber (no homo) wouldn't even rock cause they too tight.

What you gonna send in to this blog anyway? "I was biking  down the street looking for a Baby Gap cause I heard they were having a sale on fetus jeans when my boy ran over my new pair of Vans slippers with his bike tire...I mean...C'mon B!"

Nah, that ain't gonna cut it on this blog homey.

Peace. One love. I'm out. It's been real.
